Monday, July 15, 2013

Lights of Hope

Lights of Hope

Show some love to someone lost to cancer or someone still battling cancer either way it's for a great cause.

1 comment:

  1. I've learned that some people think because I'm not working I have nothing to do and boy are they wrong I live in Virginia while my partner lives in Maryland I'm in Greenbelt more that I'm home for reason I may explain later let just say My neck of the woods the youngins are all about drugs and I'm a cancer survivor I have better things to do but back to me not having anything to do I have cats in va that if they are lucky they get 3hrs one day a week while bob's cat see me all the time I'm basically cat-sitting and he has a neighbor next door who is 91 can't walk the dog anymore and guess what that's my job too and the sun lately has been brutal. I need some me time its truly time for me to go home. Besides my cats need the pleasure of my company sometimes and besides I miss gary and yes oscar too.
